Veterinary Services
International Health Certificates
Cypress Veterinary Clinic is proud to offer International Health Certificates
Cypress Veterinary can now perform Certified Veterinary Inspections (CVIs aka Health certificates) for interstate and intrastate travel, as well as provide INTERNATIONAL Health Certificates.
USDA Accreditation requires supplemental training to be able to provide international and/or interstate and intrastate travel that requires a CVI. Accredited veterinarians are deputized to serve as representatives of the Federal and the State of Pennsylvania government. This allows the accredited veterinarian to perform official regulatory functions. They are required to follow ethical and professional codes.
The reason behind International and CVI certificates is to stop the spread of disease, move only healthy animals, provide tracking of the movement of animals, protect export markets and their economies and to open new, emerging markets.
Dr. Johnson is the only Veterinarian at Cypress who is USDA accredited. She can only do cats and dogs
What should YOU expect:
- Cypress Veterinary Clinic or ANY USDA accredited Veterinarian has NO control over what International or destination state requires. None.
- PO Boxes are NOT allowed
- We will not break Federal laws or falsify documents to get you or your pet to the destination faster. Every rule will be followed.
- Tasks need to be performed in the required order, not the order you would prefer.
- If your travel plans change or something is done out of order, we may need to start the process over. This means your time line will have to change, your expectations and financially.
- Cypress Veterinary Clinic has no control over how long it takes Harrisburg to official stamp your international health certificate.
- Every country is different and require different things in different orders. It takes the accredited veterinarian and their support staff extensive time to research countries of destination. Cost of these certificates are inclusive of time, overnighting of certificates, etc ONLY. Additional blood tests, vaccinations, microchipping are additional.
Owner Responsibility:
- PLAN AHEAD. Most International health certificates can take months.
- YOU (not the Veterinarian) may need to request permits from the country you plan to import your pet to from the COUNTRYs Embassy in the US